The Power and Risk of Belief

Team Quebec (Laurie St-Georges, Lisa Weagle, Jamie Sinclair, Emily Riley, Coach Francois Roberge) at the 2025 Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Thunder Bay

Choosing to Believe

Last week at the Scotties, I let myself fully believe. I told myself that there are no ceilings on what I or my team can do. I told myself we were going to make the playoffs and the final. I even let myself believe we could win it. That might sound like confidence—maybe even delusion—but in reality, it was a choice. A choice to believe, knowing that belief would give us the best shot at doing something great.

The Power of Belief

What followed was one of the most special weeks I’ve had in sports. A team completely united. Performances that reached new heights. An ability to stay in the moment after a miss, without getting down on myself, with full conviction that I would adjust on my next shot. Total belief in each of my teammates. Absolute joy for the unfolding story.

There was this feeling among our team that we were in the midst of doing something special. People watching us felt it too. They told us they could see it in the way we carried ourselves, how united we looked, how much joy we exuded, and the way we played. Belief is one of the greatest performance enhancers.

The Heartbreak of Falling Short

Going into our last game against Nova Scotia, we had our fate in our hands—win, and we’re in the playoffs. We played a great game and put ourselves in a strong position heading into the last end. We had the shot to win, and despite our best efforts, we brought it a bit too far. As we watched our playoff hopes slip away, I felt total disbelief and disappointment because it went against everything I had trusted would happen that week. I had lived every moment believing we were making the playoffs, open to whatever path and story would get us there.

In the heartbreak, it occurred to me why it can be so hard to allow ourselves to fully believe in our abilities or dreams. Sometimes, we put ceilings on what we believe we’re capable of—not because it’s what we actually feel, but because we want to protect ourselves from the disappointment of falling short. When you fully allow yourself to believe, it stings that much more when you don’t make it. Ironically, without belief, you put a ceiling on your potential. Believing gives you both the best chance at success and the risk of heartbreak.

And that, my friends, is sports. That’s why we don’t watch games the next day when we already know the outcome—because nothing is greater than sitting in the uncertainty, living the rollercoaster of emotions, and holding onto hope that something special might happen. As Lisa says, you can’t buy that feeling!

As the disappointment starts to settle, I look back on the week with one thought: What a special week it was. Despite the heartbreaking ending, no one can take away how the experience was lived. No one can take away what it felt like to fully believe and commit to a goal, alongside great friends and teammates. No one can take away the fact that we dared greatly, went all in, and gave ourselves our best shot. No one can take away the bond formed between teammates and coach—the kind that comes from striving valiantly and sitting in that vulnerability together. That feeling I shared with my team is something I will cherish for a lifetime.

The Leap of Faith

When you allow yourself to fully believe, you open yourself up to both the highest highs and the lowest lows. But to hold back—to play it safe—is to miss out on the full experience of the pursuit.

Belief is what makes the journey rich. It’s what allows the deepest parts of yourself to reveal themselves. It's what urges you to dare to be vulnerable, go for it, and put your best foot forward. That’s why we play. For the absolute rush of going all in, trusting ourselves, and daring to chase something great—without ever knowing how the story will unfold.

To dream and believe is to risk heartbreak, yes, but that’s also what makes the journey meaningful. Because in that risk, in that leap of faith, is where the most special moments are made.


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